Randolph, New Jersey Speed Traps
Route 10 West 1600 feet past Canfield Ave
Randolph PD officers usually parked on the side of the ride with their cruiser off running radar waiting for cars going downhill roughly 1600 feet past Canfield Ave going west on Route 10. They run this during the night on the downhill stretch going into Roxbury and appear as a car on the side of the road using the emergency shoulder lane, but by the time you realize it isn’t a car left on the side of the road and then quickly see Randolph PD is tailgating you it’s too late. 50mph speed limit and cars usually gain at least 5-10mph driving down the downhill portion and the speed limit is strictly enforced.
Morris Turnpike near Sussex Turnpike
Randolph’s finest have been seen sitting in the recycling center driveway on Morris Turnpike, very close to Sussex Turnpike. I don’t know which road they are focusing on, but the officer has a long line of sight down Morris Turnpike. Someone coming from Dover Chester Road will likely be caught on radar before noticing the cop. Slow down!!!
intersection of rt.10 and Dover-Chester rd. (by YMCA)
there is an abandoned gas station at the light that cops sit behind and can see basically every direction. it’s only a couple hundred ft. from the YMCA and County College of Morris entrance.
Morris Turnpike between Dover Chester and Canfield
They hide more near the Canfield end of the road in a driveway on the south side of the road. the driveway has bushes and/or trees so that you can’t see them. The speed limit is 30, I have seen many people pulled over in this area. They do sit along this whole area though so be careful on this stretch.
Carrell Rd & Oakridge Ave
Between Brundage Park and Centergrove road there is a part or Carrell Rd that is 30mph. The road dips downhill on both sides and there are two cut out in the woods on both sides of the road that cops like to sit in. The most confusing part of all of this is that the road is painted with a dashed line on one side allowing that side to pass slower moving vehicles. Excellent job Randolph Township. Where life is worth living…"