Artesia, New Mexico Speed Traps

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US Highway 285 near State Highway 285

Artesia, New MexicoSep 14, 20070 Comments

Coming around a corner south of town, the speed changes drasticly from 65 to 50 to 40 to 35 in less than a mile.

State Highway 82 West

Artesia, New MexicoJun 27, 20070 Comments

Highway 82 2 to 10 miles West of Artesia, New Mexico. Common to see LEO parked looking for speeders. Sometimes work in pairs. Further up the highway in a smaller community named Hope. LEO will park and wait.

US Highway 82 near US Highway 82

Artesia, New MexicoFeb 01, 20070 Comments

The road conditions on Hwy 82 are the same all the way from Alamagordo to Artesia. Near Hope, travelling east, are S curves in the highway with a stated speed of 55 mph. Apparently after the curves, when you travel the next 20 miles to Artesia, NM, you are supposed to continue at the reduced speed but no signs advise you of that. For the speed to be so reduced when road conditions are the same as the previous part of the highway is not intuitutive, and not adequately marked.

South Artesia on the main road (in and out of town)

Artesia, New MexicoAug 01, 20020 Comments

40mph marker and 50 mph marker less than 100 yards apart. Cops ALWAYS hide behind the fencing between these two markers and bust anyone who happens to try to get to 50 before they reach the sign.

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