Clovis, New Mexico Speed Traps

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Area of Norris and 21st

Clovis, New MexicoApr 23, 20102 Comments

Speed limit in this vicinity of Norris changes almost every few blocks from 35 mph to 45 mph–it is very confusing. At 5:45 a.m. the officer pulled me over right next to the 45 mph sign and ticketed me for going 45 in a 35 mph zone… apparently there was a 3-block radius at 35 mph and I did not slow down fast enough! The officer himself admitted that he feels the speed limits are confusing and that he gives more tickets in this area than anywhere else; and yet he had no mercy. Visited court to dispute the ticket and the judge herself admitted that she doesn’t notice the speed changes when she drives in that vicinity! Watch out!

North MLK past 21st.

Clovis, New MexicoMar 24, 20100 Comments

A cop sits at the ball fields on MLK past the hospital before you get to Llano Estacado Blvd.

West Grand before MLK.

Clovis, New MexicoMar 24, 20100 Comments

A police unit will sit on the east side of Potter Park waiting for violators on W. Grand going west.

FM 209 near FM 209

Clovis, New MexicoMar 08, 20070 Comments

just leaving wal-mart going north, for about 5 miles, then can go 65.

Sycamore Street near Park,Baseball field

Clovis, New MexicoDec 28, 20050 Comments

At the baseball field on sycamore their is almost always a cop in the parking lot with the lights dimmed at night occasionaly during day.

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