Farmington, New Mexico Speed Traps
30th & College Blvd.
When traveling either east or west, cops waiting for you to go through that intersection on either side.
County Road 350, Flora Vista
Police hide behind fencing north of the Southside River Road intersection and bridge where motorists gain speed going down the hill.
All Streets Within City Limits Street near All Streets Within City Limits Street
Entire City of Farmington has high enforcement by the police department. Many times the police place their car or motorcycle units in hidden or obscured locations and run radar or laser. Sometimes they work in teams of two motorcycle units or car and motorcycles. Very aggressive on seatbelt enforcement as well.
30th St. hill just before Buttler
Farmington police love hideing in the church parking lot with big walls so you can see them just as you top this steep hill and it’s to late the speed limit is 35 but when comming down this hill it is rare to do under the limit.