Las Cruces, New Mexico Speed Traps

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Intersection of University, Dripping Springs, Sanoma Ranch

Las Cruces, New MexicoJan 08, 20240 Comments

The speed limit changes from 35 to 40 MP on University Avenue a few hundred yards from the intersection. Sherriff’s deputies wait at the beginning of the 40 mph zone and give tickets to drivers who accelerate to above 35 prior to reaching the 40 mph speed limit sign. They then negotiate for the driver to plead with a judge to keep the 5-10 mph speeding fine off your DMV record.

Between MM 10 and 9 Southbound on I25

Las Cruces, New MexicoFeb 09, 20110 Comments

The speed limit drops from 75 to 65 and the Las Cruces police (even if is not Las Cruces yet??) They wait hidden by the interchange.

Picacho Hills Dr. & Barcelona Ridge Rd.

Las Cruces, New MexicoApr 26, 20101 Comments

The road is a long 4 lane feeder road which collects all traffic from the large Picacho Hills residential area. It has a fairly steep up and down hilly grade in areas and a 35 mile per hour speed limit which is hard to maintain. The county agrees the speed limit should be 40 mph but will do nothing about it. Why should they when they can collect fines for 2-3 miles over the limit. Trap is intermittent. I’ve never been caught but it is hard to not go 40 on the grades.

Golf Club Road near Roadrunner Parkway

Las Cruces, New MexicoSep 18, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle policeman enforce a 25 mph limit on a road which also has an parell residental road so no homes directly exit on Golf Club Rd. To make matters worst is a steep hill where you have to apply breaks to keep under 25 mph going down the hill. The speed limit should be changed to 35 mph!

North Main Street near Venus Street

Las Cruces, New MexicoJul 26, 20060 Comments

Heading SW (one-way street)on to US 70 parallel access road N. Main Street, between Roadrunner and Venus, there is a motorcycle cop parked at Venus. The road is ambiguously posted, first 35, then two temporary 25 mph signs, then as you crest the hill (where the 45 mph sign is visible on the left side of the road), you will be cited for exceeding the temporary 25 mph limit.

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