Alexandria Bay, New York Speed Traps

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US 81 northbound, just south of 1000 Islands Bridge

Alexandria Bay, New YorkJun 19, 20180 Comments

speed on US 81 north drops from 65 to 40mph just before the tolls to 1000 Island Bridge. Two state police officers in separate cars were busily working in tandemand grabbing unwary drivers. After issuing ticket quickly sped south on 81 to do another. Many drivers busy getting out money for tolls and passports for customs on north side of 1000 Islands bridge, and may not react quickly enough to drop in speed.

hwy 81 near Canadian border

Alexandria Bay, New YorkMay 25, 20150 Comments

Be careful, as you are nearing the Canadian Border on HWY 81, the speed limit goes from 65 to 40 as you come up to a hill. Just on the other side of that hill, there is a trooper. When you see the limit of 40, you need to brake and slow down fast because they are waiting for you. Every time we drive that way, there is a Canadian being ticketed.

I81 N approaching Canadian border

Alexandria Bay, New YorkMar 21, 20121 Comments

speed reduced abruptly from 65 to 40 – braking needed. Curve and hollow in road ahead, downgrade. We coasted from the "reduced speed ahead" sign and were cited for 57. A sharp contrast to the reduced speed approaching toll gate from the south – adequate warning distance and reduction to 55. We drive the route once a week and more often than not see a police car stopped with a catch

North side of American Span of 1000 Island Bridge

Alexandria Bay, New YorkJun 06, 20100 Comments

Speed southboand I- 81 drops suddenly as you approach bridge State Police sit on ramp from Island road unto I-81

Wellesley Island State Park (Park land )

Alexandria Bay, New YorkApr 28, 20100 Comments

On the state owned road going into the Wellesley Island State Park there is not one speed sign ( I assume it is 40mph being a secondary road. ) Then the road turns into State park land and the first speed sign is 15mph Yes only 15mph. I was doing 25mph ( watching the big bird nests ) It cost me $275 There is a cop sitting right at the sign hidding out of sight all the time. I know this because I have been going there for 8 years. Shame NY state thousand Islands hires extra cops from NY city just to catch people on state park road who are camping. I could see if it was in the park but this is the main road going into the park and I was not going way over. Yup state cops just out to make money. Same with the game warden fishing. A grandfather and his grandson were there fishing ( same week I was ). Kids do not have to have a fishing license. They had a kids snoopy rod and reel . The grandfather was hanging onto the pole at the time the game warden came and fined the grandfather for not having a fishing liecence . Clearly the snoopy kids rod was owned by the 6 year old kid. but they fined him anyway . Nice ways for lower NY state to promote tourism by looking for ways to fine people at their campground . Shame NY State !

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