Asharoken, New York Speed Traps

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All of Asharoken Ave.

Asharoken, New YorkSep 19, 20170 Comments

The entirety of Asharoken Ave. from the power plant to Eatons Neck is a 30 mph zone. If you don’t want a ticket, don’t go over 30. This includes next to the hill leading down from the power plant, they hide right next to Steers Beach. The police are ruthless, they will pull over cars they perceive to be “too loud” as well.

Asharoken Avenue near Eatons Neck Road

Asharoken, New YorkJul 21, 20051 Comments

Asharoken village police run a illegal speed trap.The posted speed limit is at 30mi at least 15mi under average speed.The speed limit is severely underposted .The police target nonresident drivers to support the village.

All of Asharoken Ave leading to Eatons Neck and back

Asharoken, New YorkJan 08, 20031 Comments

Asharoken is a village on a peninsula with its own police force (only for Asharoken)and it connects Eatons Neck to the town of Northport. The only way to get to town from Eatons Neck is to go through this 2way road (Asharoken Ave) The cops hide in people’s driveways and behind trees. any kind of bush will do. Speed limit is 30-do NOT go above 34-35. all sorts of incredibly stupid tickets have been issued. by the way, usually you cant mail in the ticket. you are given a summons and have to appear in the Asharoken Village Court. Heavy fees and rude cops. Watch out!

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