Candor, New York Speed Traps
State Highway 96 near State Highway 96
Local village officer parks in Church parking lot or the village graveyard where speed limit changes to 30 MPH.
State Highway 96B near Cemetary/Edge of Village
Going both ways, but especially coming South on 96B from Ithaca into the village. The speed limit will drop from 55 to 40, and after about a mile, 30 just as you enter the village. Just at this point on the left is a cemetary, and they like to hide in a patrol car (usually town) right behind a hedge. Usually not too bad if you’re 5ish MPH over, but more than that and they can nab you. Also watch for this coming north on 96B in the village, they’re right at the end of the cemetary on the right.
NYS Rt 96B
Travelling southbound right after the town hall next to the cemetary and right before speed limit goes from 40->30 MPH. This town gets a lot of revenue from tickets and follows the posted limits very strictly.