Dutchess, New York Speed Traps

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Taconic State Parkway near Beekman Road

Dutchess, New YorkFeb 10, 20080 Comments

Beekman road and the TSP is another hot spot. There’s a curve before Beekman Rd. heading NB, Troopers have a good hiding spot in the grove of trees in the median. They also like to sit under the overpass. Heading SB they’ll sit way off to the right near the Beekman Country Club.

Taconic Parkway near Interstate 84

Dutchess, New YorkJan 04, 20080 Comments

Under overpass of I84, they sit, waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting motorist. Beware that there is a State Police station, northbound, 1/2 mile past I84 and there is usually a car parked in the "hidden" driveway on your right.

Interstate 87 near Mile Marker 77.7

Dutchess, New YorkSep 02, 20070 Comments

Three separate traps starting in the median exactly at mile marker 77.7, at an unpaved crossover in the foliage. The next is at a median crossover at about mile marker 78, and the third at a crossover between marker 80 and 81. Both northbound and southbound traffic monitored frequently.

Interstate 84 near Between Exit 16 Taconic State Parkway and Exit 17

Dutchess, New YorkJun 01, 20070 Comments

Sitting in median, just west of rest area (after rest area going westbound, just before rest area going eastbound). Also available: turnaround in median just east of exit 16 (before Taconic State Parkway exit going westbound, just after Taconic State Parkway exit going eastbound)

Taconic State Parkway near Interstate 84

Dutchess, New YorkJun 01, 20070 Comments

Sitting in wooden median strip underneath I-84 overpasses on Taconic State Parkway. Usually faces northbound traffic but turnaround available to both directions. Spotted fairly frequently during PM rush hours, no information on other times. Also Available: turnaround just South of I-84 interchange, just before I-84 eastbound exit ramps. Extra well hidden on slope, be careful! Noted during AM and PM rush hours.

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