Endwell, New York Speed Traps

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Harry L Drive- Watson Blvd

Endwell, New YorkMay 15, 20100 Comments

Sit near Traditions and the Blind Tiger – speed is 30 mph

State Highway 17/Rt 86 near State Route 17

Endwell, New YorkFeb 21, 20080 Comments

Bewteen exits 69-70. Both NYS Troopers and Broome County Sheriff sit in guard rail median splits. Speed limit reduces from 65-55 Eastbound. Westbound they sit just over the overpass past Exit 70 before Endwell exit in the middle of the E/W lanes AND sometimes facing you at Endwell exit ramp at night. No lights and hard to see.

Westbound Main Street near State Route 18/Rt 86 exit ramp

Endwell, New YorkFeb 21, 20080 Comments

Police sit at the split of East bound Main street to Rt 17 overpass and West bound Main St. where speed changes from 55 Mph to 40 Mph near Endwell Rug Company. MANY drivers do not slow down to 40! You are bait if you don’t.

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