Highmount, New York Speed Traps

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Route 28

Highmount, New YorkJan 02, 20110 Comments

There are speed traps on both sides of Highmount where Belleayre Ski area is located. Road is very steep and even in cruise control car will exceed the 55 mph and you will get a ticket. Believe me I got one.

Hwy 28 near Belleayre Ski Center, Highmount, NY

Highmount, New YorkJun 20, 20100 Comments

A New York State Police officer is constantly cruising the area at foot of the mountain along Hwy. 28. If one is not careful and constantly applying brakes to their vehicle, they will inadvertently build up speed coming down the slope. Believe me he will be waiting for you. I noticed some information in the TimeUnion.com newspaper article of August 20, 2008 that this officer made over $73,000 in overtime in the year 2007, effectively doubling his salary. Don’t say that our tax dollars are being used effectively!

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