Hudson, New York Speed Traps

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From Rip Van Winkle Bridge going into the city of Hudson

Hudson, New YorkMar 02, 20100 Comments

After crossing Rip Van Winkle Bridge or from driving north on Route 9G, as you enter Hudson the speed limit is 55 mph. You begin to take a steep hill before entering the city, at the bottom of the hill the speed limit abruptly changes to 30 mph. The police sit on the left side waiting to catch people who don’t slow down in time. Do not ever go more than 40 mph on this stretch of highway. Additionally, because it seems like it is part of the highway you want to go faster. This warning is also good for those leaving the city of Hudson on 3rd street to go towards the bridge.

State Route 9 near Exit Number Senasqua

Hudson, New YorkJul 25, 20070 Comments

Police hide at the top on the downramp from Senasqua Road going North, and also on a path to the railroad between Montrose exit and Senasqua Road going South (in the big curve).

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