Lewiston, New York Speed Traps

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I-190 just 3 miles before Lewiston-Queenston bridge heading w

Lewiston, New YorkNov 14, 20170 Comments

As you head west on the I-190, the speed limit though marked, drops 20 MPH in about 2 miles. 65 to 45. In a very short distance!!

Oneida just east of 9th Street

Lewiston, New YorkMay 26, 20110 Comments

Parked on Oneida looking to catch you gliding through stop signs at 9th Street.

Model City rd speed limit changed to 40 MPH

Lewiston, New YorkMay 24, 20100 Comments

always hiding somewhere

Upper Mountain Road near Indian HIll Road

Lewiston, New YorkFeb 08, 20080 Comments

Perceived to be 45 but is 35 road connecting Lewiston to Niagara Falls passing through Tuscarura Reservation.

State Route 104 near power authority/Niagara University

Lewiston, New YorkMar 31, 20060 Comments

They hide right under the walkover from the power authority.

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