Merrick, New York Speed Traps

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Meadowbrook Parkway

Merrick, New YorkJan 09, 20080 Comments

The Maadowbrook Parkway, usually heading south toward Jones Beach, past Sunrise Highway. State Police are there almost daily.

Meadowbrook Parkway, just prior to Southern State Parkway exit

Merrick, New YorkSep 24, 20020 Comments

State police car often sits in the center divider grass strip on the Meadowbrook Parkway in this spot

EB Merrick Road Entrance Ramp North to Meadowbrook Pkwy.

Merrick, New YorkMar 01, 20010 Comments

NYS Troopers set up shop with a Cruiser on eah side of the entrance ramp and check vehicles for any and all violations. You can avoid this by continuing straight on Merrick road for anoth 3-5oo feet and there is a simple turn around and seperate entrance on the west bound side of merrick road. Good Luck to all …tj

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