Middleport, New York Speed Traps

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1/8 mile east of the flashing yellow light on route 31

Middleport, New YorkSep 08, 20120 Comments

Kitty corner to the east of South Vernon St. on the south side of 31 in the driveway/parking lot between the Lutheran church and the scout house. It’s hard to see his black vehicle, obscured by the tree next to the road, but he’ll be there most weekdays from 3:30PM and on.

carmen rd and townline rd

Middleport, New YorkApr 19, 20100 Comments

The Middleport cops will sit on townline rd and wait for people coming over the carmen rd bridge, its a 45mph zone

carmen rd beween 104 and pearson rd

Middleport, New YorkApr 19, 20100 Comments

middleport cops will either sit on pearson rd or in the driveway of the house trailer on the westside,its a 55mph zone

State Highway 31 near Wilson Farms

Middleport, New YorkMay 04, 20070 Comments

Middleport, Rt 31. Local police car always using radar on this small stretch of truck route. Look between Niagara County line and the Wilson Farms store. Locals Always slow down going thru this area.

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