Montauk, New York Speed Traps

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All of Montauk

Montauk, New YorkMay 26, 20160 Comments

Montauk is a well know fishing town but now it’s also a summer hotspot especially between the months of May to September. All sorts of heavy enforcement goes on there such as DWI, speed, VTL etc. Heck even using watercraft is heavily enforced. Concerning speed enforcement sometimes there is zero tolerance and sometimes you are given some leeway (up to 10 mph over the limit), other VTL violations from my experience and witnessing is to the officers discretion. Some major spots for these various enforcement are Downtown Montauk, up by the marinas, State Route 27, Old Montauk Highway, Flamingo Avenue, Edgemere Street, South Edgemere Street, West Lake Drive, Old West Lake Drive, East Flamingo Avenue, Industrial Road, 2nd House Road, South Emerson Avenue, South Elmwood Avenue, Surfside Avenue, North Surfside Avenue, South Dearborn Place, South Delray Road, South Dorset Drive, East Lake Drive and Oceanside Drive just to name quite a few. Also be aware that there are quite a few law enforcement agencies that enforce these laws. Some of those agencies are East Hampton Town Police, Suffolk County Sheriffs Office, Suffolk County Park Rangers, New York State Police, New York State Park Police, New York State DEC Police, New York State DEC Forest Rangers, MTA Police, US Federal Protective Service, US Postal Police, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Coast Guard and the East End DWI Task Force. For a small area that Montauk is it is heavily saturated with law enforcement agencies so be careful out there. Believe it or not they still have man power issues during the summer months in Montauk even though there are quite a few agencies out there.

Just West of 7/11 Store

Montauk, New YorkMar 08, 20120 Comments

East Hampton Town police hide in the driveway next to real estate building just west of 7/11 as you enter town.

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