Ontario, New York Speed Traps

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Route 104 from Webster to Williamson.

Ontario, New YorkSep 24, 20140 Comments

I see State Police every day ticketing drivers, especially around rush hour. This is clearly revenue generation. This is bad for tourism and hurting the local economy. There are worse crimes that need to be addressed.

Knickerbocker road at entrance to Casey Park

Ontario, New YorkMar 02, 20101 Comments

State Trooper waits just inside of park entrance for those going above the posted 30 mph limit.

State Route 104 East near past route 350 Ontario Center Road heading east. Road

Ontario, New YorkMar 19, 20080 Comments

Sheriff sits at the entrance to the Ontario fireman’s field. Mostly during the day.

Ridge Road near Ontario Center Road

Ontario, New YorkJun 07, 20070 Comments

The speed limit is 20 mph in front of the elementary school. Although this isn’t totally unfair, you just have to be very careful to go the speed limit in this area. Law enforcement is present during school hours.

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