Palmyra, New York Speed Traps

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Palmyra Macedon High School

Palmyra, New YorkDec 08, 20110 Comments

10 MPH speed limit.

State Highway Route 21 South near Bear Hill Drive Street

Palmyra, New YorkJan 21, 20080 Comments

Local Police are posted just within village limits on Route 21 One watching and one chasing

State Highway 31

Palmyra, New YorkFeb 15, 20070 Comments

Majority of village income seems to come from tickets, everytime I drive through I see some poor soul pulled over (sheriff’s deputies). It works though, everyone does 30 within village limits.

State Route 31

Palmyra, New YorkAug 11, 20050 Comments

Pretty much any where in downtown palmyra. Cops are everywhere. wear your seatbelt too. the cops like to hang out on rte 31/main st. towards both ends of town. they usualy are parked in a buisness parking lot. two spots are by heritage motors and the other is in front of the napa store/insurance agency.

Rt. 31 East and West side of town

Palmyra, New YorkDec 17, 20020 Comments

As you are driving into town from the west, the speed limit drops from 55 to 30. Just after the bridge, FACING YOU in plain view on the left, in a parking lot across the street from a gas station, sits the town cruiser. As you are driving into town from the east, the speed limit also drops from 55 to 30. Again, the town cruiser is usually facing you on the left, but in not so plain view. Just do the speed limit all the way through town, and you’ll be ok.

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