Port Byron, New York Speed Traps

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State Route 38 near NYS Thruway Crossing

Port Byron, New YorkMar 28, 20060 Comments

Taking Rt. 38 North or South in or out of the Village, the village police dept. regularly hides behind buildings, in parking lots, and will give tickets freely for Anything over the limit. Also going East on Rt. 31, by the school and by the diner is always covered by radar. And the police regulary hide and set up radar. If they justed wanted to keep cars going the limit, all they have to do is be visible. But they hide and give tickets A Lot.

Route 38 coming into or leaving village as well as Main Street

Port Byron, New YorkAug 12, 20020 Comments

Commonly acknowledged as a speed trap. Constant tickets for any over limit and from beginning of posted signs to end.

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