Rensselaer, New York Speed Traps

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Stop Sign Trap

Rensselaer, New YorkFeb 20, 20110 Comments

Rensellaer Police Hide on side street to catch people rolling through the stop sign. Clearly just to generate revenue as this is a road with no outlet and little cross traffic,+Rensselaer,+NY&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.324283,104.589844&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Fox+Hollow,+Rensselaer,+New+York+12144&ll=42.665803,-73.707509&spn=0.001146,0.003192&z=19

Route 9J on the southern end of Rensselaer

Rensselaer, New YorkOct 24, 20100 Comments

The speed limit suddenly drops from 55 to 30 northbound. Drivers heading south see a 55 mph sign in the distance and are tempted to speed up as they enter open country. But the speed limit is still 30 and cops sit in parking lots or otherwise conceal themselves.

Rtes 9 & 20 (Columbia Tpke) as you enter city from EGr GrnGr

Rensselaer, New YorkOct 04, 20100 Comments

Rensselaer PD sits in a parking lot below the bridge hill as you enter the City of Rensselaer where the speed limit is 30 mph from East Greenbush. They are invisible so slow down and obey the 30 mph limit.

Rtes 9 & 20 (Columbia Tpke) as you leave city

Rensselaer, New YorkOct 04, 20100 Comments

Rensselaer PD sits in a parking lot at the Sewage Treatment Plant as you leave the City of Rensselaer into East Greenbush. They are invisible so slow down and obey the 35 mph limit.

State Route 40076 near bottom of a 3/4 mile hill Turnpike

Rensselaer, New YorkFeb 03, 20050 Comments

At the bottom of a 3/4 mile hill in a 30 mph zone, in order to maintin that 30 you’d have to be holding the break down the entire way, froup of cops, pulling people over left and right, once they ticket one poerson they’ll stop the next one down the hill.

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