Rochester, New York Speed Traps

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390 North between Ridgeway Ave & Ridge Road

Rochester, New YorkJun 05, 20100 Comments

they are there just about every day.

Dewey Ave, south bound at city limits

Rochester, New YorkMay 09, 20100 Comments

Speed limit changes to 30 MPH at city line. Got pulled over by RPD officer in a trap that uses a hidden radar officer, and chase cars pull you over up the road. I was never told where I was actually speeding. The officer pulled out of a side street and immediately pulled me over. Two more cars were pulled over ahead of me as I waited for my ticket. May 2010.

elmgrove road / lyell road [in gates]

Rochester, New YorkApr 02, 20100 Comments

a local yokel sits just next to the hess gas station in a dirt driveway shooting radar to the north nabbing drivers heading south just before lyell road. often weekdays 6;00 am-8;00 am [if a car is parked in a homeowners driveway 2 doors down, it blocks his view and he can;t sit there]

I-490 heading east

Rochester, New YorkApr 02, 20100 Comments

Just past the Culver on ramp they park up on the grass on the right side of the expressway. You can’t see them until you get past the on ramp. Usually there in the mornings.

Lexington Ave.

Rochester, New YorkApr 01, 20100 Comments

They hide on Polaris street, when you pass going west or east on Lexington Ave. they nail you. It is 35mph on Lexington Ave. between Mt read blvd and lee rd.

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