Royalton, New York Speed Traps

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Route 77 westbound just before Royalton Center

Royalton, New YorkJul 13, 20170 Comments

As usual, New York townships “create” speed traps by removing signs which are required to be present by law. For every change in speed, there must be one sign, followed by another sign at 1100 feet, followed by another sign at not more than 4000 feet (this varies with the speed limit). Exceptions however do exist if there are any intersecting roads, in which case, the speed sign must again be posted just after the intersection for those entering the road (in both directions). In this case, the eastbound signs are all present, but the westbound signs are not. Royalton will nab you for doing 60 in a 45 when you’re thinking you’re doing 60 in a 55, which you actually are, as state law for rural routes is automatically 55mph if there are no speed limit signs within 3/4 of a mile (1 mile being 5280 feet, with signs at 1100 and 4000 respectively). Royalton will reduce the ticket to a parking violation or two, but then charge you just as much as if you pled guilty. They save you the insurance points by reducing the ticket and a $93.00 assessment fee charged by the State. This is just one of roadside corruption scams which exist in New York State.

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