Rye, New York Speed Traps

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Boston Post Road just past Rye Golf Club

Rye, New YorkSep 05, 20110 Comments

Cop sitting with lights off in the middle of the bend/hill on Boston Post Road in Rye, NY in between the Marshlands Conservatory and Rye Golf Club.

State Route 1-Boston Post Rd. near Between Osborn Rd and Mamaroneck Village border Street

Rye, New YorkAug 16, 20080 Comments

Cruisers will sit a few places along the Boston Post Rd in Rye. First place where they get you is in the Rye Golf Club maintenance entrance, right past the swimming pool and will gun with Radar. Speed limit is 30 miles an hour and most people caught are going 35 up to 45 mph. Cruisers also sit at gas station along from Soundview Ave, especially at night. I have also seen them sit along any one of the side streets from Brevoort Lane near the bank, in the Marshlands Conservancy entrance gate, and in the Jay heritage center exit. They also sit at the corner of Johnson Place and Barlow Lane (where Sloan kettering was), on Hannan Place, on Overdale Rd and Woodland Rd. This particular stretch is guarded heavily in the evenings and sometimes during afternoon hours. Remember, it is 30MPH!

Central Avenue near ConEdison

Rye, New YorkMay 21, 20050 Comments

Police Car parks at the corner of Theodore Fremd and Central avenue right on the grass (southside) or over the walkway (northside) looking towards Theodore Fremd. Impossible to see due to the apartment buildings and trees.

Midland Avenue near Interstate 287

Rye, New YorkApr 29, 20050 Comments

Just south of the Home Depot just past the I-287 overpass, a Rye police car sits in the entrance to the Avon parking lot. Targetting south bound vehicles. You can’t see him until you pass the overpass and then its too late.

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