Stewart Manor, New York Speed Traps

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Stewart Avenue near New Hyde Park Road

Stewart Manor, New YorkMay 14, 20080 Comments

Umarked County Mounty (out of car) hides behind tree with radr gun. barley noticable 20 mph sigh hidden. will ticket for 25 mph or above.

2 blocks before Covert Avenue on Stewart Avenue

Stewart Manor, New YorkMar 28, 20030 Comments

Troopers on Motorcycles or in Cars hidden around corner on block before Covert Avenue on right side (East Bound). 30 mph limit drops down to 20 mph school zone, hidden behind trees. No warning of school zone approaching. Trooper sometimes stands in middle of road, pointing "speed" gun down the road. Speed gun entraps your speed BEFORE you are actually in school zone!! Stewart Manor judges know about this and don’t care because they make lots of moolah off this.

Stewart Ave Right After New Hyde Park Road and before Covert Ave

Stewart Manor, New YorkMay 22, 20020 Comments

There is a sign for a school zone and the speed limit is 20mph. This sign is not well noticed and you’re too busy paying attention to the traffic light coming up. The officer hiding behind the tree like a kid playing Hide and Seek will get you on the radar gun and then jump in front of your car to wave you down. You will then get fined $200.

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