Tannersville, New York Speed Traps

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New York 23A Westbound In front of Car Wash at the West End of Town

Tannersville, New YorkApr 06, 20100 Comments

Police cars sit in the entrance to the car wash 24/7 365 days per year. Speed limit varies east to west from 55 down to 40 down to 30 then jumps to 55 then down to 45 and finally down to 35 in the Town of Hunter, Villages of Tannersville and Hunter. The police patrols are merciless, 2 miles over the limit fagetaboutit and have been for the 25 years I have passed through here.

State Route RT 23a east near Gas Station & Bank on left

Tannersville, New YorkMar 27, 20060 Comments

RT 23 east heading into Tannersville NY from Hunter. You top the knoll and it turns from 55mph to 30mph. If you miss the one "30mph ahead" sign they will clock you as soon as you pass the 30 mph sign. They like to sit at the bank drive thru, it gives them the best advantage to see the top of the knoll and prep their equipment for the 30mph sign.

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