Troy, New York Speed Traps

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Pinewoods Avenue, east of Troy

Troy, New YorkAug 30, 20100 Comments

Pinewoods Avenue is posted at 30 mph. It is very difficult to keep to such a slow speed, but one must as the road is patrolled heavily. A particularly bad place is the long straightaway which passes by the old cemetery, where the police cars sit in the entrance to the cemetery. They also drive the road extensively and measure speeds from a moving radar gun.

Oakwood Ave/Route 40

Troy, New YorkMar 13, 20102 Comments

The speed limit on this road changes from 30 to 45mph. It stays at 30 from Route 7 until midway through Oakwood cemetery where it goes up to 45 and then goes back to 30 shortly before Route 40 meets up with Northern Drive/Route 142. The speed trap is always where southbound drivers on Route 40 transition from 45 to 30mph near the cemetery. They hide out at the cemetery gates, abandoned building parking lot just past the gates, or the parking lot next to the pond. They look for people still going 45mph. They are always there on weekend mornings and early afternoons and usually leave the commuters alone during the week due to the volume.

Hoosick Street near School 18

Troy, New YorkMay 12, 20080 Comments

School zone speed trap. During the morning from about 7:25 to 8:15 the police car waits for cars going down Hoosick near School 18. Going up the hill on Hoosick the flashing yellow school lights are out of order. People are pulled over consistently in this area, however, they should slow down for the school kids.

High Street near Elm Street

Troy, New YorkMar 20, 20080 Comments

Troy Police sit just off the Troy Menands Bridge on Elm Street to catch those just coming across the bridge from either I-787 or down Route 378.

Pawling Avenue near Jessie Court

Troy, New YorkMar 20, 20080 Comments

The Police sit in the Automotive Garage parking lot kitty-corner from Mr. Subb.

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