Tuckahoe, New York Speed Traps

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Midland Avenue 1/4 mile south of Winterhill Rd

Tuckahoe, New YorkMar 31, 20100 Comments

White marked Charger (mixes in with parked cars) on the northbound side just as you enter Tuckahoe coming out of Bronxville

Columbus Ave between Crestwood and Tuckahoe stations

Tuckahoe, New YorkMar 31, 20100 Comments

White marked Charger (mixes in with parked cars) on the southbound side parallel to the train tracks 1/4 mile south of Crestwood station.

Lake Avenue near Tuckahoe Road

Tuckahoe, New YorkApr 30, 20080 Comments

Marked white PD car, facing south, parks off the road, just inside the tree line. Yonkers Ave. is a one-way, southbound, street. This spot is at the end of the village limits just as you are about to enter City of Yonkers.

State Route 22 near Winterhill Road

Tuckahoe, New YorkFeb 19, 20060 Comments

These cops are relentless. They sit in the 25Mph School zone and pick off cars at will during School hours. The rest of the road is 30Mph.

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