West Islip, New York Speed Traps

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west service road Sunrise Hwy. just past Robert Moses Cswy

West Islip, New YorkJun 02, 20101 Comments

Sheriff is usually sitting in the parking lot of the empty building.

Southern State Parkway (Exit 40)

West Islip, New YorkDec 03, 20080 Comments

This is mostly going eastbound on the Southern State right before exit 40 (Robert Moses exit). Right where the trees end in the median there is a space for a trooper to hang out and no one suspects them to be there. I have only seen them twice there, but it was 2 consecutive days in a row.

State Highway Sunrise near Robert Moses Causeway

West Islip, New YorkJun 08, 20040 Comments

In West Islip, between Robert Moses Causeway and Udall Road, heading west, there is usually a cop waiting on the grass to pull you over. They are in full view, but can spot you from nearly a half mile away where you can barely see them! Someone always gets pulled over in that area.

Sunrise Hwy service rd west by Exit 41 Rbt Moses / SSP

West Islip, New YorkMar 01, 20020 Comments

Well I’ve seen this one twice, so thought I’d inform everyone. There’s been a Suffolk County marked car (unknown if it’s Highway Patrol or not) in the median right as you go under the Robert Moses Causeway. I’ve only seen him late at night at the end of the month..looks like a quota thing. Haven’t seen him pull anyone over when I’ve gone by, but just in case, here’s the warning. Just remember, the speed limit on the service road is 45, not 55 like Sunrise Hwy itself.

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