West Seneca, New York Speed Traps

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Union And Seneca West Seneca

West Seneca, New YorkMay 15, 20150 Comments

Police hanging out at union and center road, flying down center near union,hanging out for unaware motorists! BEWARE

The 400 between Transit and Union Rd

West Seneca, New YorkMay 20, 20140 Comments

Troopers like to patrol the 400 for speeders, especially near the end of the month. They sometimes sit in the U-Turn between Transit and Union, however this is a clearly visible location. I recently recieved a ticket from a trooper shooting LIDAR(Laser) who was tucked behind the guardrail of the northbound variable-message sign. Their traps are definitely getting more creative. It’s a shame that we pay these guys to write tickets for people going 10 over the limit opposed to catching real criminals!

Southwestern Blvd going South at the YMCA on curve

West Seneca, New YorkJun 24, 20111 Comments

The speed limit is 45 MPH on the curve. West Seneca Police are using Radar. They sit in either the YMCA lot or next door in the Shriner’s lot. Usually radar car and chase cars. Just pass this area the speed increases to 55 sopeople begin accellerating at the curve. $$$$

East & West Rd near Greenhill Dr.

West Seneca, New YorkSep 06, 20100 Comments

They set up in the firehall lot getting cars headed west. It’s as your coming down the hill from Sibley Dr. Make sure your doing 35mph, they will get you.

on clinton street,right under the power lines

West Seneca, New YorkJul 05, 20100 Comments

the power lines cross clinton between harlem and union road there is a power line tower just north of clinton they back in on south side of the tower and get you coming and going,they also run dwi road blocks in the same area

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