Clayton, North Carolina Speed Traps

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hwy 70 west bound between the prison and hwy 70 bypass

Clayton, North CarolinaJul 05, 20110 Comments

No speed limit signs are posted. Many signs do inform you that you are on Hwy 70. Subliminal trap? How do you know to go 55mph, 65mph, or 70 mph?
You want know until you get a ticket! If there is no Stop sign at an intersection do you stop? Will you be giving a ticket for running a Stop sign that’s not there? Why should WE The People pay the fines , when the D.O.T. fails to post the proper signs?

6 miles east of clayton, NC Hwy. 70-just beyond state prison

Clayton, North CarolinaDec 18, 20100 Comments

6 highway patrol units lined up, taking turns giving citations in a 55 mph section just before the new section that is 65 mph. You are not sure where it changes to 65.I explained, that I thought the limit had changed, but was useless. The plan is to have reinforcements and to ticket as many unknowing drivers as quickly as possible in a poorly unmarked area. Just a Trap!!!

US Highway 70 near State Highway 42

Clayton, North CarolinaApr 22, 20080 Comments

US Hwy 70 E just after NC Hwy 42 breaks off going east, the speed limit is 45 and increases to 55. Several months ago, the change to 55 happened sooner (it is a low cross-traffic area), but now it is farther down, and the Clayton police like to sit in the median or along the north side and catch people increasing to 55 too soon. Maybe this will change when the bypass is opened in June/July?

State Route 1010 near Cleveland Fire Dept.

Clayton, North CarolinaNov 11, 20070 Comments

SHP sits at the Cleveland Fire Department facing either way. 45mph speed limit. Traffic typically travels around 55-60mph.

Interstate 40E near US Highway 70

Clayton, North CarolinaOct 12, 20070 Comments

State Troopers are often at the 70 exit (306 on 40E) when the exit steps down to 55mph. After the last bridge on the blind turn there is often a trooper or two in the ditch to the leFort Also .5 miles ahead at the Greenfield Parkway bridge you will often see unmarked Dodge Chargers or Impalas sitting there. SLOW DOWN TO 55 ON THAT EXIT!

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