Columbus, Ohio Speed Traps
Just outside Columbus on Broad Street west of 270
The speed limit is 35 – not excessively low although it is 45 surrounding this small village. The village gains the majority of it’s income from VERY high traffic fines. There is usually a patrol car present looking for any kind of violation from speeding to expired tags, etc. $175 speeding fines are the norm.
On Cleveland Avenue between Morse road and Route 161 Mifflin township
They stalk this area because it is rush hour area and a late night area where down the street there are many bars and apartments where many young people travel.
between the two railroad tracks on Hague Ave.
Fuzz waits behind buildings and in parking lots. Speed limit is 35. Almost always a cop somewhere.
I-70 Road construction from Hamilton to Fourth St.
Trap runs all through downtown East and west from Hamilton to Fourth.