Columbus, Ohio Speed Traps
South High Street
Driving southbound on South High Street, there is a crest you come over by the old EZ Sleep Motel. Cops wait at the bottom of the hill and clock you as you make the crest, while others direct cars en masse into the vacant lot at the bottom of the hill to write tickets. I see big sweeps there all the time, usually toward the end of the month.
I-270 Eastbound/Westbound at 161 on NE Side
When you are rounding I-270 on the NE side (think New Albany/Gahanna area) there’s a concrete wall that divides the freeway. This wall comes to an end just south of the exit for Rte. 161. Invariably there’s either a State Trooper or Columbus Freeway Patrol right where the wall ends. Just keep your eyes focused on where the wall ends as you round the corner.
Riverside drive between 161 and Hard Rd.
the speed limit drops to 4o from 50. they hide in business parking lots in this area.
Dublin Road
Dublin Road between Sawmill Rd and Olentangy River Rd is heavily patrolled by Perry township cops. They typically hide in private business lots and clock you with radar. A search of the Franklin County Court records show many stops for 45 MPH in a 40 MPH zone on Bethel. This is a speed trap because the Perry township cops hide in private lots on Bethel and they will write you up for 45 MPH in a 40 MPH zone – they barely give you 5 MPH leeway.