Fayetteville, Ohio Speed Traps

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ENTERING the village usually along US 68

Fayetteville, OhioOct 06, 20170 Comments

Police cars will sit off road usually near trees or sign as a obstruction will ticket for any amount over limit

US 68

Fayetteville, OhioMay 02, 20110 Comments

On the south side of town where the school is located, they watch closely for exceeding the 20 mph. Also beware of the 45 mph zone beyond the school near the new strip mall.

US 50

Fayetteville, OhioMay 02, 20110 Comments

Coming into town from the east, a cop often sits at a little drive-way pull in about three houses into the 35 mph speed limit. It is almost impossible to see him from that direction until you are almost on top of him.
They also like to sit in the Dollar Store/Skyline lot just far back enough to be hidden until after they see you or just behind the base of the sign to be partially obscured.

US Highway 50 near US Highway 68

Fayetteville, OhioJun 11, 20070 Comments

For many years the small city of Fayetteville has operated a speed trap on US50 and US68. They are especially active in catching vehicles leaving town who start speeding up to 55 before they exactly reach the 55 limit sign as they leave the city.

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