Forest Park, Ohio Speed Traps
Kemper Meadow Drive
Anywhere up and down Kemper Meadow, FP police will sit in business driveways and clock speeders. Limit is 25 and most people go 35 to 45. The cut through drive to Kroger is a place they sit and also along the bend where the USPS mailbox stop is. Just watch those driveways and sidestreets there.
Waycross Road near mill Road
Cruiser is parked at entrance to office building facing Waycross. Main targets are vehicles traveling east on Waycross. As soon as you are past the traffic light at Carillon you are fair game. Wide open four lane road invites speeding. Cruiser is easy to spot if you know where to look, but the opposite is true for the unsuspecting. Officer has very good line of site for a good amount of time. D