Lawrence, Ohio Speed Traps

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State Highway RT 21 near Rt 93 Road

Lawrence, OhioJul 20, 20050 Comments

Small TWP that uses it’s access to a state route to raise revenue.

State Highway 21 near Between Rt93 and Butterbridge Road

Lawrence, OhioJul 20, 20040 Comments

The small town cops (actually ticket writers) of Lawrence Twp. like to clock speeders on Rt 21 between Rt 93 and Butterbridge road. At night look out, they illegally turn all of their lights out and park parallel with Rt 21 making them hard to see until you get up on them in their car and wait for you unsuspectingly to cruise down Rt 21 going a few miles over the speed limit. Please look out for their "Ambush" style tactics, and don�t fall victim to the Lawrence Twp police department. They seem to really get off on writing tickets, it seems to be some kind of power trip for them.

Orrville Rd. from Massillon to Alabama Rd.

Lawrence, OhioFeb 06, 20030 Comments

Posted limit is 35mph in a sparsly populated area. Lawrence Twp. cops’favoite spots are at Newman school or the church near Alabama Rd. Be specially catious the last 10 days of the month ("Quota Time").

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