Loveland, Ohio Speed Traps
River Road aka Kemper Road near Loveland Road
The Patrol car sits on the right hand side of the road, usually in a business parking lot. (After turning onto River road from Loveland road it’s about 1/4th mile past the railroad tracks.) Sometimes sits with radar off until you’re fairly close then turns it on. Does that to defeat radar detectors. Saw him get another "customer" at 5:35 AM today, 2-14-2008.
Jackson Road near State Route 48
Coming east out of old downtown Loveland, crossing over St. Rt. 48 heading up Jackson towards Grailville. The road goes up a long windy hill. The speed limit is set at 25 mph. The patrol cars like to sit on the right towards the top of the hill. Because of the curves you never see them.