Martins Ferry, Ohio Speed Traps
State Route 7
Martins Ferry, just slightly north of I-70, monitors a 4 mile stretch of Ohio Rt. 7, which runs along the Ohio River. The speed limit throughout this 4 mile stretch is 50 mph. There are several locations that are commonly used by the Martins Ferry police… northbound, between Aetna and Hanover Streets, on the right shoulder, partly hidden behind the guardrail… and southbound, at the north end of town, where Rt 7 forms a large sweeping curve, sitting at the corner of Hill Street, Marietta Street, or even Walnut Street, facing Rt. 7. Radar is used. There is no real predictability to their traps, so it is advisable to stay at 50-55 until clearing town.
State Route 7 near 8th Street
Now the Ohio State Highway Patrol has sole observation. When the sign says 45…GO 45! They park just barely outta sight on 8th street, that is a steep incline onto Rt# 7.
State Rt. 7
The cops like to set off of Rt.7 on one of the many intersections that are on this highway. Speed limit is set at 50 mph.