Sardinia, Ohio Speed Traps
Sardinia OH
Sardinia city limits is right off State Route 32 in southern Ohio. Speed limit on SR 32 (4 lane highway) is 60 MPH. I was turning south off of SR 32 onto SR 134 which is immediately Sardinia’s limits. There is a 35 mph sign immediately right around the corner. Remember you are trying to get off SR 32 with cars coming up behind you running 60-65 mph one should not slow down too fast while turning because there is no turn lane. So I turned the corner which you immediately pass the 35mph sign. Where there is a policeman conveniently sitting in a pull-off area across the road from the intersection. He said I was going 46 in a 35. He said that he usually lets people go at 45 mph. However he said I was doing 46 mph, how convenient. I really don’t believe I was going 46 anyway. I just got off a busy 60 mph highway with no turn lane. I wasn’t in no hurry, had no intentions of speeding. You don’t have time to see the speed limit sign immediately around the corner in order to slow down, especially after turning the sweeping corner from the high speed SR 32.