Shawnee Hills, Ohio Speed Traps
Glick Rd between Bridge and Dublin Rd.
Can’t imagine how this area affords a police department but it most certainly is a speed trap area. Be careful late at night, they sit in the Bogey Inn parking lot hoping someone passing through is clueless enough not to know Shawnee Hills reputation.
Glick Road near Dublin Road
Village of Shawnee Hills. Small village with 25 mph. speed limit surrounded by other municipalities with speed limits 35-45. Sudden change in speed limit to 25.
Glick Road near Dublin Road
Especially bad on weekends and evenings. This village is only 1 mile by 1/2 mile and yet it has four officers with two police cars on duty hiding back in business drives,bars, etc., watching for the unwary motorist going one mile or more over the 25mph speed limit. Avoid driving thru this area whenever possible.