Tiffin, Ohio Speed Traps
South Monroe St.
They set way back in the parking lot of Columbian High School On south Monroe St. Way at the back were it’s too late to even know until they pull you over with a ticket.
E.Market St @ S. Monroe St.
This is a speed trap! They set in swarms on the corner trying to catch people! They have the new automatic system, because sometime the cars are empty.
State Route 53 near Huss Street
They sit at the old gas station and it is hard to see them. They also sit at the road across from the Moose that goes down by the river.
Miami Street near Nelson Street
Police will sit at Arnold’s Vending or the City Garage and clock motorist with their radar gun. The speed limit is 25 mph
Sycamore Street near Gibson Street
The guys in blue sit back and catch you coming in and leaving the city limits!