Uniontown, Ohio Speed Traps

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East Bound State Route 619 Just Before Kaufman Ave. NW

Uniontown, OhioMar 01, 20100 Comments

Police sit off the street in the Senior Center, where the speed limit goes down to 40 … for the purpose of lining the pockets of the UPD.

Cleveland Avenue near Apache Street

Uniontown, OhioOct 11, 20080 Comments

The officer will sit in the parking lot of Uniontown Eye Center. They sit to the left and backed in alongside the building faceing north. They are looking for people to pick up speed as they are coming down the hill (traveling south) or going up (traveling north).

Route 8 Between Uniontown and Greentown

Uniontown, OhioNov 09, 20020 Comments

Sitting with lights out in lots with cars and side roads,this happen every morning.

Route 8 South of Uniontown by Lake Center & Heckman Rd On route 8

Uniontown, OhioNov 01, 20020 Comments

This is every Morning ,they hide by Bldg. and Parking Lots

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