Wooster, Ohio Speed Traps

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State Route 301 West

Wooster, OhioApr 06, 20060 Comments

Night time, about three miles out of Wooster on the leFort Next to a large farm storage barn.

3 & 83 Bypass near 3 & 83 Bypass

Wooster, OhioApr 06, 20060 Comments

This is one of Wayne County’s highest area for a ticket, it’s common to see 4 troopers and 4 Wooster city police sitting a few hundred feet apart down this road with their radar. It’s easy for them to hide since the burm is very wide, and against embankments and woods. Be Careful.

State Highway 83

Wooster, OhioApr 05, 20060 Comments

Cars sit behind the baracade as you come around the corner. The plane will clock you or they will get you with the radar.

State Route 83 North near State Route 3 North

Wooster, OhioApr 05, 20060 Comments

Patrolman on the ground flags down traffic by running (on foot) directly into traffic at you car. (He was pointing at me and yelling something when I got nabbed!) The planes fly overhead miles away and radio to the ground cop who pulls you over (or flags you over… whatever) right before you get off on the Rt. 3 North ramp. Speed limit is 55mph but should (could) be safely changed to 65mph. (I was going 68!)

(Right after you pass Miller Baseball Fields going North.)

State Route 83 near Pleasant Home Road

Wooster, OhioApr 04, 20060 Comments

When approaching from the South, motorists are usually unable to see parking lights of cruisers usually facing to the South sitting in parking lot of trucking company.

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