Ada, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Arlington Street

Ada, OklahomaApr 12, 20100 Comments

on Arlington Street around the apartment complexes

Tower Rd. after turning E. off Broadway Ave. N of airport.

Ada, OklahomaApr 09, 20100 Comments

Many times there are cops waiting here just around the curve in the road doing a "routine" road block where they are waiting in the middle of the road and all drivers coming from either direction must stop and have their driver’s license checked before you are allowed to pass. Always slow down and be careful when coming around this curve.

Broadway Avenue near Air Port North

Ada, OklahomaFeb 21, 20080 Comments

Double laned road where speed limit is 50 mph. Long streatch heading North out of town in front of the Air Port. There is a slight hill and some trees. Cops will hide there all hours of the day. Even if you are just 3-4 miles over they will give you a ticket. Sometimes there is construction and then they post little bitty signs that say 20 mph and then they really get you! Be careful and don’t speed through here.

Main Street near Asa Road

Ada, OklahomaOct 12, 20070 Comments

30 mph zone that should be at least 45

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