Blackwell, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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13th & Blackwell

Blackwell, OklahomaDec 03, 20100 Comments

The 4-way stop at 13th and Blackwell street back in the trees sits a cop waiting on you to ‘not completely stop for 3 seconds’ at any of the 4 stop signs.

13th at King of Kings Church

Blackwell, OklahomaDec 03, 20100 Comments

The church on 13th street, the cop sits just behind the sign facing north. If you are headed south on 13th, the speed limit is 35.

On Highway eleven by the John Dear shop

Blackwell, OklahomaApr 30, 20100 Comments

The speed limit goes from 55 to 45 and they sit out there in the area and wait for you

Main Street near State Highway 11 /Doolin Ave

Blackwell, OklahomaSep 17, 20080 Comments

Between SH 11/Doolin Ave. and Frisco Ave. heading south. The speed limit starts out at 25mph, then at Florence Ave. the speed limit jumps to 35mph and at Kansas Ave is reduced back down to 25 mph. The speed limit used to be 35 mph from Doolin Ave to the R.R. tracks south of Frisco Ave. where the limit was reduced down to 25 mph. Watch out the officer will be sitting at the Coop or to the west across the street just North of Sud Suckers back away from line of view until you’r almost at Frisco Ave. by then he’s already got ya.

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