Bluejacket, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Near the nursing home as you are coming into town

Bluejacket, OklahomaOct 14, 20101 Comments

The local Craig County sheriff or deputy will park in the nursing home lot (private property) and catch speeders coming from the East to the West as the speed limit quickly drops from 65 to 55 then to 45.

Around the school on the North-South county road

Bluejacket, OklahomaOct 04, 20100 Comments

The local sheriff or deputy hide on this road and watch for “speeders”. The school zone is enforced 24/7, although no times are posted on the school zone signs. The speed limit is 20mph. Then, if they catch you, they have a kangaroo court in Bluejacked on Monday’s at 5:00pm. You won’t win. You must return, probably to the Craig County courthouse at a later date far in the future if you want to try.

State Highway 10 near Bluejacket Road

Bluejacket, OklahomaMay 18, 20050 Comments

They run this with 2 cars, the first will clock you and the second will pull you over; usually in the Spring(May)and the Fall(October).

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