Braggs, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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center of town

Braggs, OklahomaJan 14, 20140 Comments

Local law enforcement is parked in an empty gas station with radar active.

State Highway State Highway 10 near State Highway 11 miles south of the intersection of Highway 10 and Highway 62

Braggs, OklahomaOct 13, 20070 Comments

If you are traveling north on SH 10 the speed limit drops in a very short distance as you are traveling down a hill when you approach the speed zones. If not extremely watchful you will exit the 55 mph zone and enter a 35 mph zone before you can reduce your speed.

State Highway 10

Braggs, OklahomaOct 10, 20070 Comments

Local city cop in Braggs will hide beside the little cafe/bar in town, out of sight of traffic. Numerous side-roads he sits on that face onto Highway 10. Speed limit drops dramatically from 55 to 30 when coming into town from the North (Gore, Ok). There is a military installation located on the outskirts of town, but nothing seems to be done about their vehicles flying through with little notice or observation of posted limits, because they are about the only source of income for this little berg of a town, other than the traffic fines…

State Highway 10 near Madison Road

Braggs, OklahomaJul 21, 20040 Comments

Highway speed drops suddenly from 55mph to 35mph when entering small town for about 1 mile. Enforcement is exploitive and people going to and from nearby Greenleaf State Park using this route are especially targeted.

Highway 10

Braggs, OklahomaFeb 01, 20020 Comments

Speed limit signs are well posted but you had better pay attention. They have a Sheriff and a young deputy that take turns patrolling from one end of town or the other, and they do like writing tickets. It appears that this is a chief source of revenue for this small town. If you wind up in court, don’t expect a fair shake (the fines are high) and don’t think they are interested in the truth or justice, they are not. It’s your word against theirs and they say what they want. Ticket are not limited to speeding, anything will get you stopped. BEWARE !

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