Calvin, Oklahoma Speed Traps
State Highway 1 near State Highway 75
Speed limit drops from 65 to 30 in a little over 1/4 mile. local police will ticket for as little as 4 mph over the limit. They generally hide on any of the little side streets off of 1 to catch people passing thru.
intersection of highway 270&75
speed limit drops from 65 to 30 in 1/2 mile, only one cop, he likes to sit on the west side on town. not really sure how he got me since he was coming toward me when i passed him. i was doing somewhere between 32-35(i looked down at my speed when i saw him.) he wrote me a ticket for going 10 over limit, but said judge(local lawyer) would help me out. ended up paying $75 for "court cost" and to keep it off my record.