Eufaula, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Oklahoma State HWY 9 (West)

Eufaula, OklahomaApr 16, 20100 Comments

Leaving West of Eufaula Speed Limit is 35 for a mile before turning to 45, or coming into Eufaula doing 45 it drops to 35 actually before entering town. City Police hide under US 69 Overpass to clock you. It is a Set-Up.

North Main Street near City Hall

Eufaula, OklahomaApr 03, 20070 Comments

Speed limit changes from 25 to 35 on the north side of town. One business, otherwise, straight full highway with speedlimit being 55 within 100 yards of the 35 sign. According to an officer, they have a no tolerance policy just as if it was in a school zone. Officer sits on Sunday by a tastee freeze. 1 mile over – $150 – per officer statement.

McIntosh County: Hwy 69 & Eufaula

Eufaula, OklahomaJan 24, 20032 Comments

Jan 23 2003 at 1:30PM. Driving NORTHBOUND Hwy 69, over Lake Eufala and JUST BEFORE the city of Eufala: notice VERTICAL WHITE marks on along the right side of the highway. These marks are for the AIRPLANE ABOVE you to time you! Better slow down! I had cloud cover and saw no plane, but the cop told me it was there and that no radar is involved, though my detector chirped a couple of times oddly. He said that they do random sweeps but usually do only 2 just before lunch and about 10 afterwards. Big ugly stinky SPEEDTRAP! Avoid speeding in this area, the barrier along the highway provides a false feeling of security – if you ever see white vertical lines on the highway, they are for the plane above you, slow down! Your radar detector is useless in this scenario.

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