Gans, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Highway 141, entire length that’s in city limits of Gans

Gans, OklahomaMay 21, 20180 Comments

The speeding trap is the entire length of Highway 141 that passes through the city limits of Gans. It’s a small section of the road (since Gans city limits is so small) running from the acceleration/deceleration zone east of the intersection of 4670 Rd through town at 25 mph to just east of the school where the speed again decelerates/accelerates. Speeding tickets are among the only sources of revenue for this small town with no businesses. During normal work hours, drivers need to be very careful not to go even 3-4 mph over the limit. There’s usually no officer on duty in the evenings.

State Highway 141 near State Highway 64

Gans, OklahomaNov 14, 20070 Comments

Officers frequently move or "extend" the 25 mph zone as they choose. Officers have put up stop signs on the highway where there has never been one and then patrolled that area. (the stop sign was later taken down) Officers will clock a vehicle coming into town in the 55 mph zone and wait to stop that vehicle in town limits with their "speed" locked in on their radar. Officers will smoke and blow that smoke in motorists cars while they have them stopped, even when asked not to because he said the highway is public property and he can smoke on public property. Officers will harass small children. There seems to be more women pulled over than men. This town has no income and yet this town is patrolled 24/7. How can that be?

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