Glenpool, Oklahoma Speed Traps
151st Street west of Hwy 75
151st is a 55 to 60 mph road from Bixby to Hwy 75 and drops down to 45mph for about a mile stretch on each side of Hwy 75 before jumping back up to 55 to Kiefer. Glenpool cops like to hide along this stretch which is a fair way out of the city limits and pull over speeders.
US Highway 75 near 151st Street
there is usually always a glenpool police cruiser parked behind the bixby kiefer exit sign (151 st). if the cruiser is not parked there you can bet he is at the intersection of 151 st parked under the overpass.
US Highway 75 near State Highway 117
Right at the Glenpool city limits sign. Come up over a hill from north 75, heading south and you can’t see them until it’s too late.
I 75 & 141
Signage is posted giving time to slow down for the one of only 2 stop lights in town, PD is next to the HW, and there cars are parked in the back and able to radar you when passing the PD & QT, be carefull, the will get you. I.E. get a good radar detector A.S.A.P. if you are gonna speed in this town, they will ticket, but mostly give warnings